2025 Teacher of the Year Nomination

The Rotary Club of Knoxville recognizes two Knox County teachers with “Outstanding Teacher of the Year” each year. In addition to the recognition, our award comes with a check to each awardee for $750.

We hope that you will nominate one teacher from your school who demonstrates excellence in the classroom, pursues professional development, contributes to the teaching profession, and participates in our community.

The winning teacher and principal will be asked to speak to the club on May 13, 2025, for 5-7 minutes total. As principal, you will use 2-3 minutes of this time to introduce your nominee and school. The teacher will then speak about his/her teaching and students.

The purpose of the Club’s recognition is to build support for Knox County public education. This presents an opportunity for you and the teacher to promote your school, its teachers, and the high quality of Knoxville education. Your audience will be approximately100 Knoxville business, professional and non-profit leaders.

Your enthusiasm will be contagious!

The deadline to receive the nominations is Monday, March 10, 2025. One nomination from each school may be submitted.

Nomination Criteria

Complete the application form below with your nomination letter.

The nomination letter should include the following and be written by the School Principal or PTA/PTO Group. Please limit your response to two double-spaced pages.

Please indicate specifics as to why your nominee should be considered for the Rotary Club of Knoxville Teacher of the Year:

  • Make sure to include the following:
  • List of colleges and universities attended including post-graduate studies.
  • List teaching employment history including time period, grade level, & subject area.
  • List professional association memberships and/or offices held, and other relevant activities.
  • Describe how this particular nominee is unique in the way he/she promotes learning.
  • How is this nominee committed to the school community through service-oriented activities related to teaching, your parents, and students, etc.?

The intent of the Rotary Club of Knoxville’s Education Committee is to award the following:

  • One winner for the Middle School/High School Level
  • One winner for the Elementary School Level
  • Award recipients will be asked to speak to the Rotary Club of Knoxville for 5-10 minutes at a meeting on May 13, 2025.
  • Each award recipient will be presented with a “Teacher of the Year” plaque and a check for $750.00, as well as a Gift Certificate from a local office products store for classroom supplies.

Nomination Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Nominee Name
Nominee Address
School Address
Name of School Principal:
Address of School Principal:
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please indicate specifics as to why your nominee should be considered for the Rotary Club of Knoxville Teacher of the Year.