Membership Proposal Form

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Part A

Business Address
Home Address
Preferred Email Address:
Marital Status

If rejoining or a former Rotarian, list most recent club information:

Have you been a member of Rotary International in the past?

If yes, complete the following information about your previous Rotary membership.

Have you discussed the Purpose of Rotary and the Responsibilities of Membership (Attendance, Service, Financial, Etc.)?

Part B

I, the undersigned, being familiar with the requirements for and conditions of membership, hereby make application for active membership in the Rotary Club of Knoxville.

If membership in Rotary Club of Knoxville is approved, I understand that it will be my personal responsibility: (1) to exemplify the Object of Rotary in all my daily activities; (2) to abide by the Constitution and By-laws of the Rotary Club of Knoxville; (3) to pay my annual $1,200 dues to the Rotary Club of Knoxville; and (4) to pay a one-time admission fee of $250 to the Rotary Club of Knoxville.

The annual dues provide a personal subscription to the official Rotary International magazine plus pays for weekly lunches and annual expenses associated with being a member in good standing with the Rotary Club of Knoxville and Rotary International, in accordance with the By-laws of the club. I hereby give permission to the Rotary Club of Knoxville to publish my name, occupation, and contact information to its members.

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