Dec 19, 2023 | Club Meeting
Rotarian Kim Isenberg introducer Rotarian Doug Lawyer, who serves as vice president of Economic Development with the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce. He has a demonstrated history of success in the areas of regional industrial/business recruitment, retention and...
Dec 19, 2023 | Club Meeting
Justin Cazana, Principal Broker with Avison Young Commercial Management Justin listed the many segments of commercial real estate, then covered some basics. He said the market is not as bad as it looks. Avison does about $200,000,000 a year in business locally. They...
Nov 30, 2023 | Club Meeting
RCK Member David Winstrom, Managing Executive Producer at WVLT News, introduced his colleague from WVLT Anchor and Multimedia Journalist Brittany Tarwater. Dave spoke glowingly about Ms. Tarwater’s capabilities as a journalist and compared her quite favorably to...
Nov 16, 2023 | Club Meeting
Breckenridge Morgan (US Navy 1991-2013) led our post-Veterans Day program honoring and thanking the veterans in our club. Breckenridge cited Mike Comer, Air National Guard for 25 years, retired in 2011 as a Lt. Colonel Jim Cundall, Air National Guard 1963-1999, Air...
Nov 9, 2023 | Club Meeting
RCK Member and past RCK District 6780 District Governor Frank Rothermel introduced Chattanooga Rotarian John Germ. As Frank noted, Mr. Germ has held many important offices in Rotary, including serving as RI President in 2016-17 and Rotary Foundation Chair 2021-22,...
Oct 20, 2023 | Club Meeting
Speaker Mat Schaefer, CEO at Children’s Hospital of East Tennessee, was introduced by Greg Maciolek from the Volunteer Rotary Club. Matt is proud to be a steward of a community asset that has been in Knoxville 85+ years. Originally from Houston, he loves living in a...