Aug 17, 2023 | Club Meeting
RCK member Joe Stabb introduced speaker Hakim Sohail, presently a visiting scholar at the University of Tennessee College of Law. His work there includes researching strategies to improve the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons...
Aug 9, 2023 | Club Meeting
Kim Isenberg introduced Carol Evans, executive director of the Legacy Parks Foundation, saying that Carol’s work is all about outdoor space, and that Carol is a weaver of people in the fabric of collaboration. Legacy Parks Foundation is an East Tennessee nonprofit...
Aug 1, 2023 | Club Meeting
Dr. Warren Dockter from the East Tennessee Historical Society was this weeks guest speaker. The East Tennessee Historical Society maintains historical records, artifacts and stories of the 35 county Grand Division of East Tennessee. It’s both a museum, and a place of...
Jul 26, 2023 | Club Meeting
Rotary has had an interest in increasing global understanding, and Pat’s Cookeville club started a World Affairs Council. They wanted to increase American’s understanding of the rest of the world. The council was started in 2007 after we’d been in Iraq/Afghanistan for...
Jul 20, 2023 | Club Meeting
Kim Isenberg Introduced this week’s speaker, Rotarian Tory Kinson from the Farragut Club who spoke about the Rotary Youth Exchange Program and Walk for Water. Tory Kinson is a lecturer for UT’s Department of Management & Entrepreneurship, teaching courses in...
Jul 14, 2023 | Club Meeting
Kim Isenberg introduced Jonathan Scoonover as a Knoxville native and product not only of Fountain City schools but also of UT – with a BS in mechanical engineering and a master’s in public health. Scoonover is senior vice president of strategic practice for the...