The program consisted of several presentations, most having to do with the conclusion of President Bill MacGrath’s term of office and the beginning of incoming President Jim Alexander’s term.
The program began, however, with a presentation by Rotarian Brent Midyett about his trip to Hungary with his wife. They visited several Rotary Clubs there, in particular our affiliated club at Mateszalka, which was celebrating its 30th anniversary. Brent presented several slides and a video about their trip and the Rotary Club of Mateszalka anniversary celebration. The slides included a picture of Brent presenting to the Rotary Club of Mateszalka a $2,000 gift from our Club.
Rotarian Mary Ann Mulhern presented the annual Four-Way Test Rotarian of the Year Award, which goes to a Rotarian who has been a member of RCK for less than five years. Mary Ann listed five finalist nominees, all of whom have made significant recent contributions to RCK – Margo Hughes, Bruce La Fetra, Joe McDonald, Joe Stabb and Dave Winstrom. Mary Ann indicated that the choice of choosing one of the group was quite difficult, and led the Committee to ask the RCK Board for permission to award the Rotarian of the Year Award to two recipients this year. Mary Ann first introduced award winner Margo Hughes, who leads the Rotary/Dunkin’ Donuts Purple Pinkie Project to raise funds to combat polio. The program has been a remarkable success. Mary Ann introduced the second award winner, Joe Stabb. Joe has been very active in several Rotary projects, including securing speakers and especially rebuilding the RCK website.
Rotarian Shannon Holland presented outgoing President Bill with a Rotary shirt, and a special engraved pin (represented at the meeting by a stand-in plastic pin pending arrival of the real thing). On behalf of the RCK Board, Andrew Murr presented to President Bill a Paul Harris Fellow +2 designation, representing a contribution to the Rotary International Foundation in President Bill’s name.
President Bill then presented slides reflecting a summary of the Rotary year. He began with a review of the Rotary Action Plan. His presentation included a membership overview. There are presently 161 members of RCK, 32% of which are female. The years of service slide reflected the admission of several new, younger members over the last few years.
Bill discussed several successful RCK projects, including the Purple Pinkie campaign, distribution of Mobile Meals, Salvation Army bell ringing, and the preparation of food boxes at school breaks. President Bill reviewed the accomplishment of several of his goals, including continuing and expanding service activities, increasing annual funding, including PolioPlus, the development of a new website and social media, and continuing social activities. In addition, we received several district awards.
Bill thanked especially several folks who contributed to his successful year, including RCK Past Presidents, RCK Board members, Club Administrator Allison Scott, all of the members of the Club, and, in particular, his wife.
Past RCK President and past District Governor Frank Rothermel next installed the new officers, administering the Oath of Office first to incoming President Jim Alexander, and then to the other new Officers and Directors, President Elect Chris Lambert, Vice-President Andrew Murr, Secretary Shannon Holland, Treasurer Whit Addicks, and Board Members Scott Beasley, Sally Boven, Robert Hill, Shane Jackson, Russ Jensen and Gloria Palacios.
Incoming President Jim made brief opening remarks, commenting on his more than twenty years as an RCK member and the honor of leading what he views as a very healthy club. Outgoing President Bill presented the President’s pin to Jim, and Jim presented a plaque to Bill commemorating his year of service.
Assistant District Governor Janice Mitchell brought greetings from Incoming District Governor Susie Cantrell and recognized President Bill’s service as RCK President and announced that Bill will become the next Assistant District Governor for our area.