On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, the RCK Board of Directors met for the first Board Meeting for the 2024-2025 Rotary year. Pictured left to right. Front Row: Secretary Andrew Murr, District 6780 Governor Rob Dansereau, Vice President Jennifer Sepaniak, President Chris Lambert, President Elect Shannon Holland, Director Holden Caperton. Second Row: Assistant District 6780 Governor Bill MacGrath, Director Todd Moody, Director Sally Boven. Back Row: Director Annette Winston, District 6780 Governor Coordinator Janice Mitchell and Director Virginia Babb. Not pictured are Past President Jim Alexander and Director Susan Dakak.
The club had its newly appointed District 6780 Governor Rob Dansereau speak today about his role as district governor and his vision for our district for Rotary year 2024-2025. Rob is a Memphis native; a graduate of UT Knoxville, a developer during the day, and loves to cook. Rob attends the Volunteer Club on Fridays and of course visits clubs across the district on a regular basis. Rob is laser focused on what he wants to accomplish in his one-year stint as district governor. Today, Rob had an enjoyable, interactive presentation style and engaged our members to get their answers to his questions and comments about Rotary membership during the luncheon.
He talked about the Magic of Rotary and how it is really all about people. He told us people have about three reasons why they join Rotary. These are service, fellowship and networking equally divided but once established, members gravitate more to the service aspect of Rotary as a reason for staying. He pointed out how he observes our club as partnering with others and multiplying our efforts through things like Care Cuts, Teacher of the Year recognition, global work with children, our impact on schools, Interact and Rotaract club support, and the phenomenal Purple Pinkie Campaign raising over $1 Million.
Rob spoke broadly about his goals for the district in terms of increasing our impact, expanding our reach, making Rotary more contagious, enhancing participant engagement, and increasing our ability to adapt. He said we want our members to have an amazing member experience so we can be a staying power for change to take our communities to new heights. Lastly, he encouraged us to think about where we want to go, to be people of action, and he would be here to support us. Rotary, it is going to be magical!!