Dr. Warren Dockter from the East Tennessee Historical Society was this weeks guest speaker.

The East Tennessee Historical Society maintains historical records, artifacts and stories of the 35 county Grand Division of East Tennessee. It’s both a museum, and a place of education. From Pre-School (Little History Lesson), work with Rural students, to Brown Bag lectures and special events like the History Hootenanny. The Hx Society also catalogs historical homes and other structures.

The Historical Society maintains 3 publications, The weekly Newsline, the monthly Journal of East Tennessee, and the Annual Tennessee Ancestors. Dr. Dockter spoke of the FIRST FAMILY PROGRAM for those who can show proof that their family was in East Tennessee at its inception. Dr. Dockter traced his own heritage back the American Revolution. He made it a point to focus on history as being fun, not just about memorizing dates.

Dr. Dockter feels East Tennessee is one of the most significant historical regions in the world. From the early colonial days and the mix of indigenous and European cultures, to the Oak Ridge National lab and the Manhattan project.

The Dr. spoke of the etymology of the name TENNESSEE. Stemming both from the Yuchi people and the Cherokee for “Where waters meet” or “Fork in the River”, he chooses to believe it means “THE MEETING PLACE’.